Bradley Zero at The Tate

The Rhythm Section boss man shares one of his most memorable performances of the year. 

Late last month Bradley Zero was invit­ed to play at Tate Mod­ern’ which is Britain’s nation­al gallery of inter­na­tion­al mod­ern art and forms. The event, Uniq­lo Tate Lates, is one of the lat­est projects from Japan­ese cloth­ing brand Uniq­lo. The con­cept is a unique blend of emerg­ing and estab­lished DJs select­ed by NTS Radio, along­side world-class exhi­bi­tions, dis­cov­er pop-up talks, play­ful artis­tic acti­va­tions and hands-on workshops. 

When shar­ing the mix Bradley attached a long and detailed text which paints the full pic­ture. Here’s what he had to say;

The live record­ing of my set from the Tate Mod­ern is up now on NTS Radio, and it might just be my favourite per­for­mance of the year. 

Giv­en the chal­lenge of play­ing in the worlds fore­most insti­tu­tion­al per­for­mance space, I knew I had to pull some­thing spe­cial out of the bag. I want­ed to test the sound sys­tem and pro­vide a mix that was exper­i­men­tal but not chin-strokey. Not the eas­i­est task eh?! But I’m pleased to say I think I pulled it off… 

Begin­ning with ambi­ence and exper­i­men­tal elec­tron­ics from the likes of Mika Vainio, alva noto and Frank Brettschnei­der, I slow­ly worked the rhythm in to get peo­ple mov­ing whilst keep­ing the sound­scape oth­er­world­ly and clin­i­cal to fit the set­ting of the alien tanks. 

Before I’d reached 100bpm, hips began to sway which gave me the con­fi­dence to push the tem­po for­ward whilst keep­ing things weird. By the end, I was sur­round­ed by peo­ple throw­ing seri­ous shapes to the most chal­leng­ing sounds. 

It was a great test and proved to be a real learn­ing curve; a sit­u­a­tion that forced me to play in a whole new way, while indulging in some of my favourite music from past present and future that often gets under­rep­re­sent­ed in my club & radio sets. 

Hope you enjoy x” 

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