Peter Van Hoesen & Gabi Sultana on Culture Box

Peter Van Hoe­sen joined forces with Gabi Sul­tana for a unique per­for­mance in an ode to John Cage. 

Filmed in the Salle Wagram, the Vari­a­tions col­lec­tion returns for the third sea­son of unpub­lished encoun­ters between two musi­cal uni­vers­es. These unique per­for­mances are direct­ed by Sour­dor­eille and La Com­pag­nie des Indes and stream through French media out­let Cul­ture­box. The project invites icon­ic music com­posers to accom­pa­ny you through the tal­ents of a wide range of musi­cal­ly cre­ative artists.

In this case, the late great com­pos­er John Cage was the theme for the unlike­ly duo between Peter Van Hoe­sen and Gabi Sul­tana. With Peter’s exper­tise in syn­the­sis and Gabi Sul­tana’s unde­ni­able tal­ents as a solo pianist, the pair put togeth­er an inno­v­a­tive 30-minute inter­pre­ta­tion of John Cage’s Sonatas’. Fol­low­ing the link to the per­for­mance, here, you will see that Peter lays down an array of sound­scapes and syn­the­sised accom­pa­ni­ments to the avant-garde rhythms of his per­form­ing part­ner as they care­ful­ly reim­age one of John Cage’s finest achieve­ments in music. 

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