Welcome Identified Patient

We are delight­ed to announce Iden­ti­fied Patient as the lat­est addi­tion to the Octo­pus family. 

Iden­ti­fied Patient is one of the most intrigu­ing tal­ents to mate­ri­al­ize from Hol­land’s bustling music scene in recent times. The Ams­ter­dam based artist made a strong uprise through some of Rot­ter­dam’s finest imprints while fill­ing dance­floors across the coun­try and through­out Europe. His style infus­es raw aes­thet­ics with unri­valled, relent­less ener­gy which he trans­lates into his pro­duc­tions as flu­id­ly as his DJ sets. 

…The future looks incred­i­bly bright for Iden­ti­fied Patient with a com­pelling list of forth­com­ing releas­es and a seri­ous­ly exten­sive tour­ing sched­ule for 2019 — the desire to spread his musi­cal anec­dotes into the cos­mos and beyond is stronger than ever!

For all requests, please con­tact Flip here

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