Suzanne Kraft and Jonny Nash form MATstudio

The collaborative duo present new ideas in their latest musical endeavour.

Suzanne Kraft has been a sta­ple in the Melody As Truth label with albums such as Talk From Home” and What You Get For Being Young” along­side numer­ous col­lab­o­ra­tions with label founder Jon­ny Nash. Their lat­est project, MAT­stu­dio, focus­es on the impro­vi­sa­tions, exper­i­ments and acci­dents pro­duced in their shared stu­dio in Ams­ter­dam. The label explains, 

MAT records always aim to encap­su­late a par­tic­u­lar sound palette or son­ic world”. Whilst the mini-album/EP for­mat is often ide­al for this, it is impor­tant for us to bal­ance these more mea­sured, con­cep­tu­al works with the spir­it of chaos and spon­tane­ity which often inhab­its our stu­dio. MAT­stu­dio pro­vides us with an out­let for this aspect of our work.” 

Their debut release under their lat­est moniker will be pre­sent­ed on vinyl for­mat with two long-form com­po­si­tions” that will show­case the range of mate­r­i­al com­ing out of their stu­dio space. In the fea­ture below you will find the excerpts of both side A In Strange Com­pa­ny He Spoke Soft­ly” and side B The Land Through Which We Pass”. The two frag­ments breathe a refresh­ing blend of organ­ic and elec­tron­ic instru­ments that walk the line between ambi­ent, exper­i­men­tal and avant-garde ideas. Tune in below. 

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