Marco Shuttle Bleep Mix

An exemplary hour of music from Marco Shuttle.

Fol­low­ing hot off the heels of the sec­ond remix pack­age of his clas­sic Vox Atti­tude’, check here, Mar­co Shut­tle steps up to deliv­er a pod­cast for Bleep. Mark­ing their 60th edi­tion, the eerie label boss serves up a com­pelling exam­ple of the wild­ly rhyth­mic and trance-like” style he has honed and refined in recent years. 

The hour-long affair gets start­ed with a rit­u­al­is­tic com­po­si­tion from Alain Krem­s­ki that sets the tone. After lur­ing you into a hyp­not­ic state, Mar­co stays true to form pac­ing through a selec­tion of heav­i­ly rhyth­mic and per­cus­sive based tracks. As we reach the mid­point, he put his foot on the gas as he deliv­ers a com­pelling mix­ture of abstract tech­no and destruc­tive elec­tro. Expect cuts from the likes of Bam­bounou, Joe Claus­sell, Lar­ry Heard and much more. 

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