Jamie Tiller NTS residency

Episode 01 of Jamie Tiller's NTS show is live and direct. 

One of the new faces amongst the NTS res­i­dents is the one and only Jamie Tiller. With his unri­valled knack for res­cu­ing a seem­ing­ly end­less sup­ply of dis­card­ed musi­cal gems from the murky depths of the record under­worlds, he makes for a very excit­ing addi­tion to the Dal­ston based radio sta­tion. Here’s what Jamie had to say, expect chillers, thrillers and hope­ful­ly not too many fillers. I’ll also be lib­er­al­ly sprin­kling some spicy guests into the mix”. 

The first show sees Jamie ride solo as he sets the tone for what will unfold through­out his res­i­den­cy. The hour-long affair kick starts with the sounds of Dan­ish group Atil­la Engin Group before mov­ing onto the reg­gae tex­tures of Cheb Kad­er. From here, the vibe switch­es to more con­tem­po­rary elec­tron­ic sounds touch­ing on wild melodies, break­ing beats and seduc­tive grooves. Tune in below and check out the full track­list here

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