Jordan GCZ Short Attention Mix

It's time for an exploration into Ambient-Jazz.

The last cou­ple of years has seen Jor­dan GCZ of Juju & Jor­dash explore solo out­ings as both a Dj and pro­duc­er. Since exer­cis­ing these new avenues Jor­dan has show­cased his unde­ni­able tal­ents as a selec­tor with reg­u­lar invi­ta­tions from the likes of Rush Hour and names alike. In this affair, he fur­ther adds sub­stance to that state­ment with a com­pelling pod­cast for the folks at Short Atten­tion.

In just over an hour Jor­dan explores the realms of Ambi­ent-Jazz as he blurs the lines between con­tem­po­rary and clas­sic. It’s a very cin­e­mat­ic affair that enter­tains lit­tle drum work up until the clos­ing seg­ments but instead focus­es on the res­onates in the atmos­pher­ic domain. This one’s a real dig­gers delight, the kind of mix you kick back with a hot bev­er­age and just sim­ply lis­ten. With that being said, here it is below!

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