Welcome Job Jobse!

We are ecstatic to welcome Job Jobse to the Octopus family!

As a bright-eyed young­ster grow­ing up in the fer­tile city of Ams­ter­dam, Job would attend Trouw week-in week-out, tru­ly trans­fixed on the music and the cul­ture sur­round­ing it, absorb­ing every­thing he saw and heard. It wasn’t long before he was tru­ly in love with the scene he was becom­ing so deeply sub­merged with­in.

Job is now eas­i­ly one of the most ver­sa­tile and in-demand DJ’s around, appear­ing at fes­ti­vals and clubs all over the world — while always keep­ing his feet firm­ly on the ground through his res­i­den­cy at his beloved home of De School in Ams­ter­dam and through his own Strangelove’ par­ties, where he invites like-mind­ed artists with whom he feels a strong musi­cal connection.

For all requests, please con­tact Matt here.

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