Bambounou closing set at Terraforma

No stone was left unturned at this years Terraforma.

Ter­rafor­ma is one of the fin­er fes­ti­vals to be found with­in Italy. It has gained a lot of atten­tion for its for­ward-think­ing pro­gram­ming which is always a healthy mix of both Ital­ian and inter­na­tion­al artists. On clos­ing duties this year was the fast-ris­ing Parisian star Bam­bounou who sure did­n’t dis­ap­point with his high­ly antic­i­pat­ed performance. 

Across two and a half hours Bam­bounou took sev­er­al twists and turns show­cas­ing the many facets to his craft. He finds an excel­lent start­ing point with heav­i­ly per­cus­sive work­outs which are sharply met with an over­whelm­ing help­ing of dri­ving head spacey tech­no. Approach­ing the half way­point Bam­bounou retreats from his mil­i­tant tech­no assault into more hor­i­zon­tal­ly includ­ed cuts but not for too long before reignit­ing the dance­floor with more heavy rhythms. Tune in below!

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