Donato Dozzy at Paral·lel Festival

A mem­o­rable per­foram­nce from Dona­to Dozzy this summer. 

Autumn/​winter is well and tru­ly here and the sum­mer of 2019 has slow­ly dis­in­te­grat­ed into the past. Now we can only cher­ish the mem­o­ries and the last­ing impres­sions the fes­ti­val sea­son has bestowed upon us. Whether you were present or not, you can now cast your­self back to Paral·lel Fes­ti­val this August where Dona­to Dozzys high­ly antic­i­pat­ed head­lin­ing per­for­mance is just about to get under­way.

The record­ing, that’s just shy of 3 hours, comes in two parts offer­ing two dif­fer­ent emo­tive trips. Part 1, show­cas­es Dozzy’s cun­ning abil­i­ties to read and work a dance­floor from ground zero. Here, he deploys spacey elec­tron­ics along­side heav­i­ly per­cus­sive cuts slow­ly build­ing the ener­gy with every selec­tion. By part 2, Dozzy is in full swing offer­ing a tech­no mas­ter­class of the high­est nature. Mind­bend­ing synth lines come fly­ing out of acid work­outs, basslines trem­ble as drums hit with max­i­mum impact. It’s Dozzy being Dozzy.… at his best. Enjoy!

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