The Abysmal Cricket Orchestra

Get acquainted with Max Abysmal and thousands of crickets for a special side project.

Some­what of a pil­lar of the under­ground scene, Max Abysmal has cer­tain­ly carved his own niche bring­ing an unri­valled degree of eclec­ti­cism. He has earned his stripes with club shows across Europe and beyond as well as his home­town res­i­den­cies at De School and favourite hang­out Garage Noord. How­ev­er, in his side project The Abysmal Crick­et Orches­tra’ he presents a one of a kind con­cept that goes beyond his crafts­man­ship on the dancefloor. 

For their lat­est live series at Het Hem, a new cre­ative play­ground on the bor­der of Ams­ter­dam and neigh­bour Zaan­dam, Max pre­sent­ed his live impro­vi­sa­tion project which fea­tures an array of syn­the­siz­ers and thou­sands of crick­ets. Here he com­bines the machine-gen­er­at­ed sounds of syn­the­sis along­side the organ­ic sound­scape tex­tures cre­at­ed by the dis­tinct chirp­ing of his col­lab­o­ra­tive insects. Tak­en from his hour-long per­for­mance Max has dis­sect­ed three experts that cap­ture the project at its best. Try them out below. 

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