Woody92 Mirror Zone Virus Stream

Some more streaming action to keep you ticking over.

In mid-April Mir­ror Zone, a label hail­ing from Delft, teamed up with The Hague based club Het Mag­a­z­i­jn for an evening of musi­cal­ly fueled live streams. To be found amongst the Mir­ror Zone crew that evening was a long time friend of the label and a fel­low Delft based artist in Woody92

Sup­ply­ing an hour of unworld­ly sounds, in addi­tion to the sup­port­ing art­work, Woody show­cased the trip­pi­er and extrater­res­tri­al side to his arse­nal. Lur­ing you into enchant­ed sound­scapes in the open­ing pas­sages he then goes onto to deploy heav­i­ly rhyth­mic and low-end heavy cuts keep­ing things elec­tri­cal­ly charged around the 140 bpm mark. From alien ambi­ent to odd­ball left­field elec­tron­ics to well-informed psy­trance rar­i­ties the mix cre­ates a sound of its own. Lock in below!

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