GiGi FM at HÖR

From London to Berlin.

GiGi FM is a French/​Italian force well and tru­ly to be reck­oned with. Asso­ci­at­ing tex­tures and colours with the sounds she hears, GiGi has a tru­ly unique approach to col­lect­ing, select­ing, play­ing and mak­ing music afford­ing her a nat­ur­al abil­i­ty to cre­ate atmos­pheres and ambi­ence unlike many oth­ers. In her lat­est out­ing, she dropped by Berlin’s HÖR radio for a son­ic explo­ration into her inter-dimen­sion­al world…

Tun­ing in below you will be sharply locked into off-kil­ter rhythms, chop­ping breaks and play­ful tem­po changes. The show has an over­rid­ing DnB theme through­out but GiGi still man­ages to weave in frag­ments of her sig­na­ture style with very coher­ent results. Here you can find the works of Home­made Weapons and Wet­man sat along­side the likes of Dona­to Dozzy, Wata Igarashi, Carl Craig and more. 

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