Mutek invite Bambounou

Sev­er­al cre­ative bod­ies came togeth­er for an evening of music. 

Bam­bounou is the prod­uct of a vast inter­nal land­scape where he roves freely in search of inspi­ra­tion. Just as his alloyed French-Malian-Pol­ish back­ground has grown him a strong back­bone of musi­cal inde­pen­dence, so too has his love for astro­physics and dystopi­an sci-fi been dis­tilled into futur­is­tic inter­pre­ta­tions UK tech­no, IDM and trib­al sources. With this in mind, Mutek found him the ide­al can­di­date for their lat­est cre­ative col­lab­o­ra­tion held in Paris this past week. With the sup­port of the Con­sulat Général de France à Québec and Chapelle XIV Bam­bounou took to the air­ways for a spe­cial stream with the visu­al sup­port of Dylan Cote.

Piec­ing togeth­er an hour-long trip of many highs and lows Bam­bounou show­cas­es the depth of his son­ic arse­nal in this one. In the open­ing pas­sages, the Parisian selec­tor uses large atmos­pheres, cin­e­mat­ic tex­tures and spo­ken word to cre­ate a sense of impend­ing action. As he gen­tly moves onto spa­cious rhythms Bam­bounou begins to steadi­ly push the pace into heav­ier-duty works match­ing micro sounds with shades of his sig­na­ture style. 

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