Carrier: Pre-Millennium Witchcraft mixtape

Dead­ly 70 minute ses­sion from UK club tech­ni­cian Car­ri­er hail­ing his roots in mid-late 90s D&B with a ridicu­lous­ly strong mix­tape of pre-mil­len­ni­al, post-junglist rufige — 100% essen­tial for fans of the gold­en era, the bruk out, Raime and Logos’ Reel Torque mixes.

Pre-Mil­len­ni­um Witch­craft (1995 — 1998)’ is Guy Brewer’s love note to his teenaged years, when old­er sib­lings and their mates intro­duced him to the hard­core jun­gle-derived phe­nom­e­non of D&B. Aged 16 in 96, Brew­er was per­fect­ly placed to soak up the sound which had by then reached a crit­i­cal veloc­i­ty and was spread­ing beyond the usu­al big city hotspots to places such as his home in Cam­bridge. Too young to get into clubs, it was in cloud-cham­ber bed­rooms that Brew­er was bit­ten by the D&B bug, exposed to cru­cial tunes at the time they were pro­duced and avail­able in shops — long before you could pick up prac­ti­cal­ly any­thing on 2nd hand sites — so long as you knew what you were look­ing for. 

This mix­tape speaks direct­ly to his lived expe­ri­ence, locked-in to the sound at its purest and most dead­ly with 70 min­utes of tech­ni­cal witch­craft and noirish dread often pro­duced by artists who were rel­a­tive­ly periph­er­al to the orig­i­nal ear­ly 90s jun­gle move­ment, but came into their own as the scene expand­ed and mutat­ed into its D&B form as the decade quick­ly accel­er­at­ed thru styl­is­tic shifts. 

Thanks to Car­ri­ers flaw­less selec­tion and frankly ridicu­lous arrange­ment, Pre — Mil­le­ni­um Witch­craft (1995 — 1998)’ ide­al­ly por­trays the fun­da­men­tal, rolling and step­ping chron­ics and unique, sen­su­al pres­sure of the sound at its most com­pelling. The advanced mech­a­nisms of ear­ly break­beat hard­core jun­gle are heard fine-tuned in motion, dis­till­ing its dark/​light switch­es and irre­sistible aero­dy­namism in a seam­less flux of cyber­dub and tech­noid synths that ani­mate limbs like electrodes. 

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