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Mike Parker

Mike Park­er’s exper­i­men­tal and rit­u­al­is­tic approach sets him apart from the rest and in a time of over-sat­u­ra­tion he is still one of those few artists whose sound you can spot in a heart­beat. For 20 plus years, he has per­fect­ed a unique inter­pre­ta­tion of tech­no, instant­ly recog­nis­able to con­tem­po­rary audi­ences, which has earned him a leg­endary glob­al sta­tus inspir­ing the likes of Dona­to Dozzy and many of his peers for decades now. 

Mike first stepped onto the scene in 97 with two fiery EP’s that would set the tone for his future musi­cal endeav­ours. The fol­low­ing year would see the birth of his label Geo­phone which became the out­let for his long-run­ning series of 12” records and debut album which all played a piv­otal role in estab­lish­ing his son­ic per­sona. Hard work does­n’t go unno­ticed and after earn­ing his stripes in the US Park­er’s pro­duc­tions would cross the Atlantic and find them­selves on some of Europe’s most estab­lished labels. Over the past ten years, the likes of Tre­sor, Seman­ti­ca and Spazio Disponi­bile have all played host to a num­ber of his EP’s while his sec­ond stu­dio album found a home with the mighty Pro­logue back in 2013 to much acclaim. In 2019 he will relight the fire with his Geo­phone imprint and con­tin­ue to leave his mark on tech­no by doing so. 

As a DJ, Park­er rose through the mid-1990s as a main­stay in the US’s emerg­ing ware­house par­ty scene. His hyp­not­ic, abstract and hard-hit­ting approach to per­form­ing earned him a high­ly respect­ed rep­u­ta­tion and fur­ther increased his devot­ed fol­low­ing. His wealth of expe­ri­ence in the booth has been acquired with reg­u­lar per­for­mances across North Amer­i­ca, Europe and Asia mak­ing Park­er a well-sea­soned under­ground veteran. 

From his hum­ble begin­nings to the present-day Mike Park­er has amassed an impres­sive list of cre­den­tials paving his own lane with a unique style that breathes inno­va­tion yet hon­ours the true val­ues of tech­no. And after 20 years in the game, Mike is still a dom­i­nant fig­ure that con­tin­ues to carve his own niche in the ever-expand­ing world of elec­tron­ic music. 

Latest updates

Mike Parker: Wandering Mountain - remix

Mike Parker: Wandering Mountain - remix

Mike Parker: Sabre-Tooth

Mike Parker: Sabre-Tooth

Mike Parker: The Devil's Curators Vol. 3

Mike Parker: The Devil's Curators Vol. 3

MNMT Premiere: Mike Parker - High - Pass Dissection

MNMT Premiere: Mike Parker - High - Pass Dissection

Mike Parker - The Burning Roundtable EP

Mike Parker - The Burning Roundtable EP

Mike Parker remixes Presha

Mike Parker remixes Presha

New Mike Parker on Spazio Disponibile

New Mike Parker on Spazio Disponibile

RA: April's Best Music

RA: April's Best Music

WorldWideWindow chairty compilation

WorldWideWindow chairty compilation

Mike Parker Q&A + Premiere

Mike Parker Q&A + Premiere

Let's talk music!


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