Interstellar Funk TIGHT podcast

Take a jour­ney through per­cus­sion-heavy sound­scapes with Inter­stel­lar Funk

Arti­fi­cial Dance label boss Inter­stel­lar Funk seems to always hit the nail on the head when it comes to putting togeth­er a com­pelling pod­cast. From his many years work­ing at Rush Hour, on top of his relent­less efforts to unearth imper­fec­tions and eccen­tric­i­ties asso­ci­at­ed with left-of-cen­tre ana­logue machine music, there is always years of knowl­edge and hard work behind his efforts. On this occa­sion, the Kiev based TIGHT mag­a­zine invite Inter­stel­lar Funk to take charge of the first episode in their new pod­cast series. 

True to his rep­u­ta­tion Inter­stel­lar Funk serves up an hour of cal­cu­lat­ed­ly chill­ing elec­tron­ics. In the open­ing sequences, he lures in with some invit­ing cuts, how­ev­er, it does­n’t talk long for him to turn to dark­er tones. The sounds of Wave, EBM and heav­i­ly per­cus­sive tracks walk you through the remain­der of the pod­cast jump­ing from filthy dis­tort­ed rhythms to clean-cut synth jams. Test dri­ve it below and check out his lat­est EP on L.I.E.S., here

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